Thursday, January 5, 2012

Why I train -- thoughts from our peeps

Folks, I really enjoy the first few weeks of each season, because I learn the wide array of race objectives, fitness goals and wellness initiatives which each of you are pursuing.   These goals often change season to season as our lives evolve.   For 2012, I'd like to compile a anonymous list of these thoughts, and post a summary to our group.   Your answers are surely surprising and reflect our diversity as runners!  
Please finish this sentence....   "the reason I train daily is because ____________ _________ _________ _________ ___"
This question has endless possibilities.   I thought of this last week when I was playing with our sons.   It's critical to me as a parent to raise my kids to be healthy, active and fit as they grow up.   And, that they know the importance and benefits of fitness and enjoy it.   So, my answer would be.... the reason I train daily is because I want to be a great role model to my kids.
What's YOUR reason?
Here are the reasons folks provided when I conducted this question 14 months ago:
the reason I train daily is because..... ..
...I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. .. and I love to eat chocolate!
...I like feeling strong, healthy and pushing myself to be the best I can be"
...I like to eat!
...I love that my girls are running "races" to be just like mommy
...I like to set physical and mental challenges to test my boundaries
... it is the one thing that I do only to meet my own needs. I get exercise, socialization, and therapy all at one time. I also train daily because I want my kids to grow up thinking that exercise is just a normal part of everyones day and that they can do anything they set their mind to!
... teach my children by doing
...for personal achievement, to stay healthy, to be a good role model to my daughter and to relieve stress
...I love it when people say "you have how many kids??  You look GREAT!"
...I like the friendships made from this common way. I can eat what I want
...I love the mood lift I get from exercise
...because if I didn't I might go crazy
...because I can
...At 37 I am in the best shape of my life. I feel proud of myself. It is the only thing I have just for myself. My kids look up to me and want to run too.
...I want to be a good example for my kids and I want to stay healthy"
...I love having something that is mine, I am not a wife, a mom.   I am a runner.
...I like to see what i'm made of
...I love the satisfaction of working hard with my body and being amazed at how much farther I really can push myself (especially with runners by my side).

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